Two Sides of the Coin


just back from a walk
my feet wet, hands cold
glasses in search of wipers
on the brink of a whimper
I remember the disturbingly dry land
craving this long, cool, refreshing drink

I revel in sparkling snowflake powder
ravishing beauty, snowshoe paradise
as my stomach churns
with thoughts of the hairpin turns
on snow packed dirt roads
I must navigate at day’s end

rarely can I have it both ways
cheap food likely means someone is underpaid
life supporting irrigation equipment drains
fish habitat and fisherman’s playground
upscale housing distributes eviction notices
to deer, moose,  families barely holding on

it’s not all about me
my comforts or convenience
I can never know the reach of ripples
set in motion by my life
but I can look through a wider lens
choose from a deeper heart


    • Charlotte on March 29, 2014 at 12:42 pm


    Lovely! I love your descriptions “eviction notices to deer…”, and the “reaches of ripples set in motion by my life”.
    You have reminded us that what we do has repercussions in the larger world and also that we are very much a small part of this universe. The poem is very moving. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us.


  1. You’re very welcome. Thank you for the response!

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