Advent 13 – Angels

Written as an Advent Daily Devotional for the UCC in Wallace, Idaho

When was the last time you were visited by an angel? Don’t tell me you haven’t been. Obviously you know your life better than I do, but I think angels stop by and visit us all the time. It’s more about us not recognizing them than that they don’t come. We’ve been misinformed if we think we’ll know them by their wings, or their ability to magically appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. And they don’t just deliver miraculous news of things like impossible pregnancies in people too young or too old to bear fruit.

I believe angels are messengers from God sent to bring us a word of clarity or insight, redirection or truth, forgiveness or compassion. She just might be the person who disturbs your routine by inviting you out on a limb to try a new thing or care in a new place. Or maybe the person who bothers to listen to the life of a broken and bruised troublemaker long enough to figure out that they’re convinced they’re stupid, and then teaches them how to read. He might be the child who asks Grandma or Grandpa to set their project down and come help him build a fort. An angel may be the one who says, you can do more than you think you can, or you’ve carried those regrets long enough – it’s time to put them down. A knock on the door interrupts your channel surfacing with the word that your neighbor needs you. A stranger in the WalMart parking lot softens the fog of your weariness with a warming smile and the whisper of peace.

And just occasionally, a whole chorus of the heavenly host may assemble to announce the dawning of a new day, the deliverance of hope, the promise of peace – if we will but come and see, go and tell, and add our voices to the song. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace!

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