I seek to prepare to celebrate the birth of God-with-Us this year by watching for instances of the holy breaking into the ordinary. With eyes wide open and a spirit attempting to be attentive, I will share glimpses of glory that I witness as Christmas approaches.
A light shines in the darkness.
On it’s way down and out for the night, the sun we hadn’t seen all day shattered the dark, impenetrable shroud that engulfed us. Bursting it’s restraints with a beacon of light, it sent shards and scraps of clouds scurrying. Creating a thin vein of brightness, the light pierced late day, thick headed self-absorption. Dispersing the clouds, poking holes in despair, delicately adding wisps of pink, probing with hope, the sun persisted. And then it exited with a promise: no storm will last forever, no injustice will endure, no hatred will have the last word.
Thank you for brightening a dark day. Miss you and your writing classes.
Love it! You continue to be amazing Alice. Thanks for sending your writings. I have a folder where I have saved all of your writings.
A beautiful visualization that touched my heart.